Please attend the Club’s Annual Meeting, January 18, 2023 at Brothers Restuarant, in Peoria to approve Officers for the Board of Directors. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Come early, if you wish, for food and fellowship, at 5:00 pm. The candidates for 2023 are: Keith Menasco – President; Teresa McPherson – Vice President; Steve Ferguson – Treasurer; John Williams – Merchandise/Member at Large; Dennis Palagi – Member at Large; Bob Harper – Member at Large; and Glenda Carlson – Member at Large. As President, the Board and I will emphasize “Rides” both as day rides and multiple day events where we can camp and have cookouts. We need you to register and attend to show your support for your Club to assure we have a great year in 2023. I am looking forward to going on many rides with all of you!

Keith Menasco