If you have not yet renewed your membership now is the time. It is very easy, just click on “join/renew” or “Join” and it will take you to a page that already has all of your information filled out. At the bottom of the form you can click on PayPal or on Check “Make payable to: Arizona ATV Riders, Inc. Please mail your check care of Steve Ferguson, 16078 W Laurel Lane, Surprise, AZ 85379. The membership fee is the same as last year, $30. Any questions send me an email. Keith Menasco [email protected]Read More →

I wanted to wish each and everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We all have much to be thankful for. I know I have thoroughly enjoyed all of our rides and opportunities to get together. Our Christmas Gathering is coming up on December 21, 2022. You have until December 9 for a check to reach Steve Ferguson at 16078 W. Laurel Lane, Surprise, AZ 85379. You also need to indicate on your check, or send an email to me, whether you want Turkey or Ham. You also need to register (book) on our website. Keith Menasco [email protected]Read More →

Nov. 8, Fossil Creek and Nov. 13, Tonto Creek near Jakes Corner as part of the Mogollon Mtn UTV Fest. Links to these videos are: https://clipchamp.com/watch/WaqIKHDQQYw https://clipchamp.com/watch/Jaympfp3tzV Keith MenascoRead More →

Ed, John, and I attended the 2 day UTV Festival hosted by UTV Off Road Adventures (https://mogollonmountain.utvoffroadadventures.com/. I am reporting back to the Club as to, was the Festival worth the money we paid to attend. Our Leader, Randy, lives in Payson and hosts a site at: https://www.utvsr4therapy.com/. Randy put together a video of our adventure which you can see on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvYejkusaaA. My evaluation is that the event was very well organized and the trails were excellent. The price of $200 included 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner, which had pretty good food. Was it worth it? I would say yes. Their next eventRead More →

Bill Bonn is putting his rig and trailer up for sale. I also see John Duarte is selling a stereo and Bill Haney is selling some tires. I do not know if an email is sent to all of our membership when an item is posted in our Forum section. I do know an email is sent out to everyone when a news item is posted. You get to our Forum section (as well as our membership data base) when you click “Members/Log In”. I urge everyone to take a look at our Forum section. You never know when you will find a real bargain.Read More →

We had a great ride last Wednesday but an abandoned pickup completely blocked the trail. I tried to get around it but we all ended up turning around and going back. I got into a little bit of a jam as seen in my video. All was not lost, we saw some spectacular scenery and numerous archeological sites an petroglphys. Video can be seen at: https://clipchamp.com/watch/CFHWo99Vwaf Keith MenascoRead More →

As ATV Riders you may want to get involved in this specific issue of 2 roads being closed on the Tonto National Forest. It is well described below by AZ Sportsment of Wildlife Conservation. The issue really is something that the Forest Service can’t really fix. I know because I am retired from the Forest Service. Only Congress designates Wilderness areas and the Forest Service is powerless to change any of the boundary and they cannot move the road so the only recourse they have is to close it. Which, in this instance will be very unfortunate and is something I, personally, don’t want toRead More →

Hello everyone! UTV Offroad Adventures (https://utvoffroadadventures.com/) has posted all of their 2023 events. Our Club has posted one of their events (Mogollon Mtn UTV Fest), coming up soon in Payson. These events sound like a lot of fun. I will be able to tell you more about them when I attend the one in Payson. I hope I can see many of you there! Keith MenascoRead More →